Worship at Calvary Lutheran

Gather with us weekly, as people of God, called by the Holy Spirit, to hear God’s word in scripture reading, message and song!  All who believe are welcome to receive the Lord’s Supper.

Join Us For Worship:

Saturday Worship
5:30 PM

Sunday Worship
8:30 & 10:30 AM (in-person & streamed online)

Join us for Coffee & Fellowship
9:30-10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall







  • Saturday, 5:30 PM - Traditional service
  • Sunday, 8:30 AM - Traditional service in-person & online
  • Sunday, 10:30 AM - Contemporary service in-person & online.
  • Believers Communion is served at both Sunday services.
  • Enjoy Jubilate!, Calvary's praise worship band, the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 10:30 AM. Consisting of piano, guitar, violin, drums and a mix of other instruments, Jubliate! leads music varying from traditional, folk, gospel, contemporary and modern.
  • Jubilate! praise services may vary due to the church year worship schedule.
  • Children are welcome & encouraged to join in!  Play an assortment of handheld instruments during the Sending Song at the end of worship!
  • Holiday Weekends: Watch the church calendar for changes in worship times!
  • Lenten Services are Wednesdays at 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM with a meal served at 4:45 PM.
  • Healing Services are held during months with a 5th Saturday and Sunday.

Worship & Music

Calvary’s Worship Core consists of members dedicated to enriching lives and spreading the gospel through Word, Music and Fellowship. It is the mission of the Worship Core to plan and lead meaningful experiences in worship to know God’s presence, and together with the congregation, experience a connection with God that will foster growth in faith and service to God.

Altar Guild
The purpose of the Altar Guild is to serve. Service requires a spiritual commitment and it has a spiritual goal. We serve by doing the following:

  • Set up the paraments to coordinate with the times and seasons of the church year.
  • Clean and store the sacramental vessels and linens.
  • Change the Eternal Candle and check other candle heights.
  • Serve with four other members at communion services.

All this is done for the Glory of God and the building up of His people. (If you are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Barb Thomason 218-732-9313.)

Audio Visual
Assist with worship audio, video, lighting, and projections. If you would like to volunteer for our AV Team or if you have questions for them, please email av@calvaryparkrapids.com

Communion Assistant
Assist in Holy Communion distribution during worship services.

Read Scripture verses during worship services.

Prepare the Narthex prior to worship services by:

  • Ensuring Offering Plates are available at the back of sanctuary.
  • Verifying Bulletins to be handed out are correct.
  • Checking that candles are lit during the Call to Worship-by acolyte or themselves.

Assist during worship by:

  • Assisting congregation, guests, and visitors with seating.
  • Distributing bulletins at sanctuary entrance.
  • Distributing Friendship Pads, collecting after service and returning to office.
  • Distributing Offering Plates through the pews and bring forward to Pastor.
  • Directing congregation forward for communion; watching for anyone who is unable to come forward and directing Pastor to bring communion to them.
  • Counting attendance and recording totals to the office.

Following worship:

  • Clean up pews, returning hymnals to seats and picking up bulletins left behind.
  • Close sanctuary doors.
  • Verify candles have been extinguished.

Bell Choir
The Bell Choir performs monthly in worship using handbells and chimes. Practice is Wednesdays at 5:30 PM.


Calvary Singers
The Calvary Singers perform twice a month in worship. Singers of all ages are welcome to join. Rehearsal Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.

Children’s Choir
The Holy Commotion children’s choir practices Wednesday evenings, following the After School Program, from 5:00-5:30 PM. All kids in Kindergarten to 6th grade are invited to join!

Men’s Choir

Instrumental Ensembles


Praise Band
“Jubilate” is the name of Calvary’s Praise Worship Band. The band consists of piano, guitar, violin, drums and various other instruments. Members lead music that varies from traditional, folk, gospel, contemporary and modern hymns.

Youth Praise Band


To learn more about these ministries or to volunteer and serve, please contact:
Shalom Grandy, Worship Core Chair 612-325-0804 or the church office 218-732-7284

Worshiping with Children

We eagerly invite children to worship with us. They are an important part of our congregation! Children should feel welcomed and that they belong to our family of faith.

There are resources for children & families to utilize during worship. In addition to the Family Corner in our sanctuary, there are Toddler Busy Bags, coloring pages, storybooks for ages 6+ and My Worship Notes and Adventure Bibles for ages 9+ available at the KIDS Connect table in the Narthex.  Please return these resources after the service.

Children's Sermon

Our children, who love so freely, need to be in worship, and they need to learn how to express their love to God. Our children are counting on us, their parents and their congregation, to teach them. So, enjoy the Goldfish crackers in the pews, and the giggles, and the questions and know that God is pleased that we are fulfilling the promises we made at their baptism.


Calvary Services Are Online!

Are you watching Calvary Lutheran Church on Sunday Morning? We are glad to have you join us!