Lenten Services: 4:30 & 6:00 PM, Soup Suppers: 5:15
Wednesdays: 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9 Maundy Thursday: 6:00 PM, 4/17
Good Friday at Riverside United Methodist: 6:30 PM Easter Sunday Worship: 8:30 and 10:30 AM

112 South Park Ave
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Saturday Worship Time
5:30 pm
Sunday Worship Times
8:30 am | 10:30 am
Sunday School
9:30 am Sunday School September to May
Office Hours
8 am-2 pm Mon.-Thurs.
Connecting to Calvary
May God be praised in all things through Jesus Christ.