“Pray for One Another”-Colossians 1:9-12
Prayer develops our relationship with God, prayer shows our dependence on God, and prayer changes things. Jesus modeled the power and importance of prayer, in every occasion and without ceasing.
Do you need prayer?
Submit prayer requests online or Call/Email your requests to Linda Norenberg.
Call: 218-255-3414 | Email:
Hospital & Pastor On-Call
Please contact the church office at 218-732-7284 during times of hospitalization or other health/personal crisis so that the pastoral care staff may support you with prayer and presence.
*Due to the HIPPA Privacy rule, doctors or medical attendants cannot notify your pastor without your permission or request.
Public Prayer Requests
Please contact the church office at 218-732-7284 when you have a prayer request. Requests will be listed in the bulletin for 3 weeks, or longer by request.