Learn More About Our Outreach Ministries
Hardhat Ministry
CHM (Calvary’s Hardhat Ministry) is a new ministry at Calvary Lutheran, sponsored by the Caring and Outreach Core. The purpose of this ministry is to help members of the congregation (although not exclusively) who have “issues” with their property that need addressing. (Guidelines for projects will be shared with anyone who requests help.)
Mission: CHM is a group of Christian volunteers who are offering their services to help people with home repair and maintenance problems. Volunteers are not licensed contractors but willing workers who claim “no job is too small, but some may be too large.”
Contact Brian Long at (612) 669-2389 if you would like to volunteer or if you are in need of help with a project!
Mission Partners
Iglesia Luterana San Lucas: Eagle Pass, Texas (Pastor Julio Vasquez)
In 1994, Calvary Lutheran Church established San Lucas Lutheran Church (Iglesia Luterana San Lucas) as a Mission Partner. San Lucas Church is a Spanish-speaking congregation of the ELCA in Eagle Pass, Texas, located at the US/Mexico border. San Lucas strives to support itself, yet expenses cannot be covered without help from partners like Calvary.
The congregation is the third largest congregation in Eagle Pass with regular attendance of about 130 people. Community outreach involves coaching in the areas of health, family behavior & improving family dynamics. Every Tuesday & Thursday a Food Bank “Colmado” provides food to the community, averaging about 48 families per month.
Support this Mission Partner through your offering (check “Mission Partner” on offering envelope, please indicate “Eagle Pass” on envelope and/or check memo).
Iglesia Evangelica Luterana San Pedro: Toa Baja, Puerto Rico (Pastor Alicia)
In February of 2019, Calvary established San Pedro Lutheran Church of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico as a Mission Partner. San Pedro acts as a service center for the entire community during emergencies.
In June of 2019, Pastor Alicia Centeno identified an immediate need for a generator ($1,000) that will allow them to continue this important work as they prepare for the hurricane season. Through Calvary’s generous giving, we were able to raise enough money to provide this much needed generator.
In 2020, there were three mission groups from Calvary who traveled to Puerto Rico to work with San Pedro Lutheran Church (in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico), our mission partner. The Calvary mission groups assisted with on-going efforts to rebuild and recover following Hurricane Maria in 2017 and the more recent earthquakes.
Support this Mission Partner by donating on-line or through your offering (check “Mission Partner” on offering envelope, please indicate “Puerto Rico” on envelope and/or check memo).
Hunger & Justice
Intentionally reach out to those in our community with humanitarian needs such as, but not limited to, poverty, hunger and health concerns, and provide a means to respond to these needs through individual contributions to the Hubbard County Food Shelf, LSS Meals on Wheels, and through the congregation’s Discretionary Fund.
Keep the congregation informed as to hunger needs in the world through programs such as “The ELCA Hunger Appeal”, “ELCA Good Gifts”, “Bread for the World”, “Lutheran World Relief”, etc.
To learn more about these programs and others, please visit:
- ELCA World Hunger
- ELCA Good Gifts
- Bread for the World
- Lutheran World Relief
- ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response
Contact: Maurice Spangler 218-252-9513, Jim Barr 507-272-3876, Audrey Carlson 218-732-7504, Helen Comnick 218-564-5069
Prayer & Care Team
- The Prayer & Care Team is Calvary Lutheran Church's prayer chain for prayer requests made by Calvary members.
- Those who volunteer to pray for others share their email address with the Prayer Chain contact person. Email addresses are kept private as the prayer requests are sent via the Internet. Privacy is protected and may or may not be shared from the pulpit per member’s request.
Contact: Linda Norenberg 218-255-3414 or email lindanorenberg@gmail.com