New to Calvary Lutheran Church
It is a joy to have you worship with us. All are welcome!
Coming to Worship Service...
What to expect:
- Greeters warmly welcome all to worship
- Volunteers welcome and answer questions at the
- Welcome Desk in Narthex
Welcome & Announcements from the Pastor - The nursery is available if needed
- KIDS Connect Table in the Narthex-toddler bags and resources for older kids to use during worship. Please return after service.
After Worship...
You are invited to check out:
- Coffee & Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall between services
- The Welcome Desk for a first-time visitor gift and more information about Calvary
- Any of the ministry offerings you read about in the bulletin or on this website. (You do not need to be a member to participate.)
- Calvary’s Facebook Page
- The option to receive the monthly newsletter in the mail