Become a Member of Calvary Lutheran!
It would be a joy to have you worship with us!
All are welcome!
What to expect...
Before & during worship:
- Greeters welcoming all to worship.
- Believers Communion.
- Welcome & Announcements from the Pastor at the beginning of each service.
- The nursery is available if needed.
- KIDS Connect Table in the Narthex - toddler bags and resources for older kids to use during worship. Please return after service.
- The Family Corner in our Sanctuary
What to expect...
After worship:
- Join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, a sweet treat & fellowship between services!
- Stop at the Welcome Desk for a first-time visitor gift and more information about Calvary Lutheran!
- Attend or get involved in any of the ministry offerings you read about in the Calvary Connections Bulletin or on this website (You do not need to be a member to participate).
- Calvary’s Facebook Page
How do you become a member of Calvary Lutheran?
Become a member of Calvary Lutheran Church by baptism, letter of transfer, or by instruction. If you are interested in learning more about membership or to begin the membership process, please contact the church office at 218-732-7284 or stop in!
New Member Classes are offered twice a year. Watch for upcoming class dates in the bulletin or on the calendar.
If you would like to serve on the New Member Ministry Team or sponsor a New Member, contact Dorothy Meyer at 218-255-4853.