Children's Ministry
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
-Proverbs 22:6
Calvary for kids is...
...full of dedicated & passionate leaders and volunteers who understand the importance of making ministry with children, youth, and families a priority. Children, Youth & Family Ministries is all about helping children and youth know God and God’s love in their life. They work to inspire children to become Christ-centered, & to serve and grow in faith. Children, Youth & Family Ministries partners with parents to nurture the Christian faith life in the home. Calvary Lutheran Church is a place where children, youth, and families can connect, learn and grow together.
To learn more about these programs or to volunteer and serve, please contact:
Dana Kocka, Education & Youth Director 218-732-7284
Mandy Runyan, Youth Ministry Chair 218-255-1642
Begins September 10th (but join us at anytime!)
Sunday School is offered at 9:30 am each Sunday during the school year.
Children from Pre-K through 8th Grade attend age-appropriate classes with dedicated and caring teachers.
If any Sunday School aged children are interested in joining the Sunday School Dance Team, please call the church office 218-732-7284.
As part of Calvary’s Christian Education Program, students in grades 1 through 8 attend Calvary Lutheran Release Time Classes on Wednesday mornings. Children participate in the following faith practices:
- Reading and studying the Bible
- Devotional disciplines
- Prayer
- Worship
- Relationships
- Service
Calvary Lutheran Confirmation Ministry partners with students and their families to know Jesus and His love as they mature in faith for the mission of our church community. The Confirmation program is designed to help shape the faith of our youth and begins in third grade. Throughout the program we work to inspire children to become Christ-centered, & to serve and grow in their faith. Register your child in the church office and call Dana Kocka with questions (218-732-7284). We'll meet you where you are at!
Confirmation Overview:
- 3rd Grade-Confirmation enrollment; receive Bibles; Understanding your Bible
- 4th Grade-Jr. Ushering 4 times
- 5th Grade-Assist in Communion Process with Altar Guild two times; receive First Communion
- 6th Grade-Acolyting two times at 8:30 Worship and two times at 10:30 worship, prayer study
- 7th Grade-Sunday Service Projects at 9:30 (Dates to be determined), High Adventure Camping Trip, Five worship reports.
- 8th Grade-Sunday Service Projects (Dates to be determined), Nine Wednesday night Confirmation classes, Ten worship reports.
- 9th Grade-Twenty Wednesday night Confirmation Classes; Ten Worship Reports
- 10th Grade-Confirmation Mentoring Process; Faith Statements; Rite of Confirmation
Sunday School & Wednesday Release Time
Sunday School is available for children, Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade, at 9:30 AM each Sunday during the school year. Sign your child up for Sunday School on Rally Sunday in September or by calling the church office at 218-732-7284. Wednesday Release Time is available for children in grades 1 through 8 during the school year on Wednesday mornings. To sign up for Release Time, contact the Park Rapids Area School District at 218-237-6500.